In April (04.04.09), I bought a violin and called it Vifone Eustriou :) Brand: Eurostring, Heritage Antonio Stradivarius of Italian Tradition (PRC) Model: 300 size: 4/4
Here some pictures of the Violin that I took at Chinese Garden:
Tanjong Katong, where I bought the Violin
Since I'm learning modern violin, i wish to have feeling of fun and modern in my violin, so I decided to do something with the blank black case.
So here it is...
I present this colorful violin case design :)
technique: acrylic and marker
made in pYus homeland
Sketch and color study
front back
walking around carrying the violin at my back
However, actually I feel like to draw and paint the violin body like this Lee hom's guitar. :D
Last time, I had desire to design my own t shirt. So here it is... I did "make over" a piece of Baleno t shirt with some drawing and cutting here and there.
Both pics were taken on my last day at office (Friday /29 May 09). I just about have a time now to fancy it. :) Hope they will like it when they saw it.
All of them are just like my big bro n sista at office. Learn a lot from them. Thanks guys! Gonna miss you all ;(
So, in the next few months, I will be a full time student @ Lasalle College, Singapore. If possible, will do freelance or part time jobs.